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Aith, Shetlands.-—On the 9th of Jan- uary, 1956, the doctor at Walls asked if the life-boat would take him and a relieving nurse to Foula, because con- tinuous bad weather had isolated the island for nearly a month and at least two people there were seriously ill.

The life-boat honorary secretary com- municated with Foula, but learnt that weather conditions were not suitable for people to go ashore. It was not until the 13th that the weather mod- erated and it was safe to land. At 10.25 that morning the life-boat The Rankin embarked the doctor and nurse, as well as mail and stores, and made for Foula in a rough sea with a squally north-north-west wind blow- ing. She reached the island at 1.45 and landed the doctor, the nurse and the stores. The life-boat waited while the doctor visited his patients, then re-embarked him and made for Aith, arriving at nine o'clock at night.— Rewards to the crew, £26 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, 12s. Refunded in part to the Institution by the Zetland County Council..