Kindly Light
North Sunderland, Northumberland.— About 5.30 on the evening of the 2nd of February, 1956, the life-boat assis- tant mechanic rang up to say that the wife of a fisherman had reported that her husband had not returned in his local fishing boat Kindly Light. He had been fishing for crabs about eight miles south-south-east of Seahouses and had been expected home before dark. At 5.52 the life-boat Grace Darling was launched. The sea was rough, there was a westerly breeze, and the tide was flooding. The lifeboat came up with the fishing boat, but the three men on board did not need help. They had been delayed because their crab pots had been fouled in the bad weather conditions. The life-boat accompanied the fishing boat to the harbour and reached her station again at seven o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £7 10s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6 13s..