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Arienoldus G.

Torbay, Devon.—Early on the morning of the 10th of March, 1956, five •members of the crew of the motor vessel Arienoldus G., of Rotterdam, which was anchored one mile south- east of Teignmouth bar, put off in a small boat to land the mate who had been injured and needed hospital treatment. They brought him ashore, but the wind freshened and prevented them from putting off again in their boat. Only an engineer and a boy had been left on board the Arienoldus {?., and it was thought that they mightbe in danger if the vessel dragged her anchors. At five o'clock in the after- noon the ship's agents at Teignmouth asked the coxswain if the life-boat would take the five men to the ship.

The life-boat George Shee embarked them and put out at 6.28. The sea was rough, there was a moderate east-south-east wind blowing, and it was high water. The life-boat put the five men aboard their ship and returned to her station, arriving at 7.45.—Rewards to the crew, £9; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 4s..