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The S.S. Pompey Power

Tynemouth, Northumberland. — At 5.14 on the evening of the 18th of De- cember, 1955, the coastguard tele- phoned that a wireless message had been received from the S.S. Pompey Power, of Portsmouth, that she had a very sick man on board who needed immediate medical attention. At 5.37 the life-boat Tynesider was launched. There was a swell, a moderate north-westerly breeze was blowing, and the evening was very dark. The life-boat came up with the vessel, which was a collier bound from Blyth for Portsmouth, about three miles easy-by-south of Tyne pier. The life-boat took the sick man on board and landed him at Tynemouth, where an ambulance was waiting, at 6.52. The man was taken at once to the Tynemouth Infirmary and his life was saved.— Rewards to the crew, £10; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 18s..