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The Auxiliary Barge Pudge

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 5.24 on the afternoon of the 24th of October, 1955, the Spurn Point coastguard telephoned that the auxiliary barge Pudge, of London, which had a crew of two, had gone aground half a mile south of Saltfleet Haven. The master had asked if the life-boat would stand by his ship at the next high water. At 7.34 the life-boat City of Bradford III was launched and made for the Pudge in a moderate swell with a light west- north-west breeze blowing. She reached her at 9.15, pulled her clear of the beach and towed her at half-speed to Spurn, where the Pudge was anchored at 4.10 on the morning of the 25th. The life-boat anchored as well and was rehoused at 8.45. A message was sent by telephone to Grimsby asking for a tug to take over the Pudge, and at 9.50 the life-boat was launched again. She towed the Pudge to Lower Burcom buoy, handed her over to the tug, and returned to the station, arriving at 12.35.—Pro- perty Salvage Case..