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Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 11.48 on the night of the 17th of November, 1955, a message was received from the Valentia radio station that the trawler Styvel, of Concarneau. France, which had a crew of ten, had wirelessed that she had broken down and was in distress near the Skelligs Rocks. At 12.10 early on the 18th the life-boat A.E.D. put out. The sea was moder- ate, there was a moderate south-easter- ly breeze, and it was low water. The life-boat made for the position and at 1.45 saw a rocket about seven miles south-west of Bray Head. A little later she came up with the trawler half a mile north-west of Skelligs Rocks and went alongside. Ropes were passed across, and the life-boat towed the Styvcl to Valentia, which was reached at 5.18. Just after they entered the harbour the Styvel, which had been holed on the Skelligs Rocks, sank a hundred yards from the pier- head. The life-boat rescued her crew and gave them hot drinks, and then landed them at 6.30. She put off once more, stood by the wreck to warn off the fishing fleet, and finally reached her station again at ten o'clock. The French Ministry of the Merchant Navy expressed its thanks to the life- boat crew.—Rewards to the crew, £24 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, £1 Is..