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St. Enoch

Donaghadee, Co. Down.—At 1.14 on the afternoon of the 24th of November, 1955, the Orlock coastguard rang up to say that the skipper of the 360-ton coaster St. Enoch, of Glasgow, which had run ashore at Muck Island on the 21st, had asked if the life-boat would land his crew. At 1.30 the life-boat Sir Samuel Kelly put out. There was a heavy sea, a strong north-north-east wind was blowing, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat went along- side the coaster, and five of her crew of nine jumped aboard. At the request of the skipper the life-boat remained near while he made an attempt to refloat his ship, but she remained fast.

The life-boat, being no longer needed, took the five men to Larne and reached her station again at 11.15. A tug refloated the St. Enoch the next after- noon.—Rewards to the crew, £24 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, £1 Is.