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Red Lancer

Ramsey, Isle of Man.—At 8.45 on the morning of the 29th of December, 1955, the coastguard telephoned that the steam trawler Red Lancer, of Fleet- wood, which had anchored near the harbour entrance had hoisted a flag signal indicating that she needed a doctor. As the weather was too bad for a local boat to put off, the life-boat Thomas Corbett was launched at 9.30, with a doctor who is a regular member of the crew acting as bowman. There was a rough sea and a west-north-west gale, and it was two hours before high water. The life-boat put the doctor on the trawler, which had two sick men on board. Later the life-boat took the doctor ashore so that he could get some medicine, and she afterwards put him aboard the trawler again.

The doctor treated the two men and re-embarked in the life-boat, which returned to her station, arriving at eleven o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £8 156'.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £9 12,9..