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Red Dragon

Ramsey, Isle of Man.—At four o'clock on the afternoon of the 29th of Decem- ber, 1955, information was receivedfrom the coastguard that the steam trawler Red Dragon, of Fleetwood, had reported that she would be calling at Ramsey about 7.30 to land a man who was seriously ill. At 7.30 the life-boat Thomas Corbett was launched with the doctor, who had served as bowman on an earlier service that day. on board. The sea was moderate, there was a moderate westerly breeze, and the tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the trawler three miles to the eastward and took on board the sick man. She took him to Ramsey for hospital treatment and reached her station again at 8.30.— Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £10 4s..