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Cullercoats, Northumberland. — At 12.40 on the afternoon of the 12th of November, 1955, the Tynemoutb.

police rang up to ask if the life-boat would pick up the body of a man which was in the sea off Tynemouth north pier. Ten minutes later the life-boat Isaac and Mary Bolton was launched, with the honorary secretary, Mr. J. A. St. S. Talbot, on board.

There was a choppy sea, a moderate north-north-east wind was blowing, and the tide was flooding. Police officers indicated the position of the body, which was near the sea wall, and the life-boat picked it up. The honorary secretary applied artificial respiration, but the man was dead and the body was landed and handed over to the police at 1.30. The Chief Constable expressed his appreciation, and at the inquest on the dead man Chief Inspector Graham of the Tyne- mouth police, who witnessed the ser- vice, spoke of the "splendid seaman- ship" of the coxswain and crew.— Rewards to the crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £9 13s..