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Johnsons and Rob Roy

Blyth, Northumberland.—At noon on the 10th of December, 1955, the •coastguard rang up to say that a man had reported that he had received a wireless message from the fishing hoat Golden Days. She reported that she was escorting the fishing boats John- sons and Rob Roy to the harbour and that conditions at the harbour bar were dangerous. She asked for the life-boat. At 12.10 the life-boat Winston Churchill, Civil Service No. 8 was launched. The sea was rough, a moderate gale was blowing from the north-east, and the tide was flooding.

The life-boat made for the boats, but the Rob Roy and Golden Days entered liarbour on their own. The life-boat then escorted in the Johnsons and arrived back at her station at 12.55.— Rewards to crew, £8 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 8s..