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North Sunderiand, Northumberland.— At 9.32 on the morning of the 22nd of October, 1955, the Seahouscs coast- guard rang up to say that a message had been received from the Longstone lightvessel that a fishing boat, with one man on board, could be seen on the Blue Cap rocks. At 9.30 the life- boat Grace Darling was launched. She made a search in a calm sea, with a strong north-north-east wind blowing and an ebbing tide, and found the fishing boat Gracie, of Sunderland.

The man was a Russian, who had left Sunderland in the boat on the 18th.

Her engine had broken down, and he had been adrift ever since. The life- boat rescued him, landed him at Sea- houses, and then put off again when the tide flowed and towed the Grade to North Sunderland, which was reached at five o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £17 10,?.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 11*..