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Faith Star, Pilot Me and Success

Whitby, Yorkshire.—Before daybreak on the 24th of November, 1955, the fishing boats Faith Star, Pilot Me and Success put to sea in worsening weather.

The Faith Star returned to harbourand at noon the no. 2 harbour pulling life-boat Robert and Ellen Robson put out to await the return of the Pilot Me and the Success. The no. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hep-worth was at Scar- borough following the service to the Progress the day before. The sea was rough, there was a north-easterly gale, and it was low water. The pulling life-boat stood by at the harbour bar, but the Success made for Scarborough. The Pilot Me reached Whitby at 2.10 and the life-boat escorted her in, reaching her station again at 2.30—Rewards to the crew, £19 10s.; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..