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Bannprince and the S.S. Ocean Coast

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 10.3 on the night of the 12th of November, 1955, a message was received from the port radar station that a coaster had been sunk in a collision near Formby light-float. Seven minutes later the life-boat Norman B. Corlett put out.

The sea was smooth, there was a light north-easterly breeze, and it was high water. The life-boat found that the coaster Bannprince, of Liverpool, had sunk after colliding with the S.S.

Ocean Coast near Beta buoy. The boats of the Ocean Coast had rescued six of the coaster's crew, and another vessel had rescued the other three men and transferred them to a dredger.

The life-boat took on board the men from the Ocean Coast and returned to her station, where an ambulance was waiting, arriving at 12.50 early on the 3rd.—Rewards to the crew, £9; re- wards to the helpers on shore, £l 8s..