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16 Year-Old Boy Helps to Save Life-Boat

Ox the morning of the 2nd of Novem- ber, 1955, the Aldeburgh no. 1 life-boat Abdy Beauclerk was launched for a routine exercise. A fresh southerly breeze was blowing, and there was a moderate swell.

The life-boat returned about ten o'clock in the morning. She was hauled up the beach on the turntable in the usual way and made ready for service in the launching position with her bow to seaward. While being turned, the boat is secured to the turntable by bow and stern wires, and after turning she is hauled forward about two feet. The botv securing wire is let go to enable this to be done.

Boat Launches Herself On this occasion, as the boat moved forward, the weight came on the after securing chain, which had been fouled by the boat's keel, and although it was not realised at the time, a link had been damaged. This link suddenly parted, and the boat launched herself, in spite of the efforts of the helpers, who hung on to the outside lifelines in an attempt to stop her.

The only one who succeeded in hanging on to the life-line was John Sharman, the 16-year-old son of the motor mechanic. He was still clinging to the line when the life-boat reached the sea, and he managed to swing him- self aboard. He then steered her sea- wards and tried to let go the anchor, but was unable to do so.

Drifting on to Groynes The life-boat then began to drift on to some groynes to the north of the launching position and was slightly damaged by some piles, but the no. 2 life-boat Lucy Lovers was quickly launched. John Sharman had made fast a tow rope and passed it to the No. 2 life-boat. The Lucy Lavers then put some men aboard the Abdy Beauclerk. after which she towed her clear of the groynes and beached her safely about two o'clock.

For the courage, enterprise and determination which he showed, the Committee of Management decided to send a letter of appreciation to John Sharman and to make him a special monetary reward.

Rewards to the crew of the no. 2 life-boat, including John Sharman, £21; rewards to the helpers on shore, £20 Qs. Gd..