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Three Men Rescued from Lobster Boat

AT 2.25 on the afternoon of the 9th of September, 1955, the Kilchoman coast- guard telephoned a report which he had received from a farmer. This was that a fishing boat was in distress off Smaull Point on the north-west coast of Islay.

At 2.45 the Islay, Inner Hebrides, life-boat Charlotte Elizabeth put out.

The sea was very rough, there was a moderate north-westerly gale, and it was an hour and a half before low water.

The life-boat found the lobster fish- ing boat lie Bhoidheach, of Campbel- town, with a crew of three, at anchor with engine trouble. She was in a dangerous position on a rocky lee shore and was sheering.

The Port Charlotte Coastguard Life- saving Apparatus team fired a line to her from the cliffs, but the fishermen pre- ferred not to go ashore by breeches buoy.

After two unsuccessful attempts to come alongside, the life-boat anchored.

The coxswain, William Callander, then decided to veer down to the lie Bhoidheach. This was done success- fully, and with difficulty the life-boat rescued all the members of the fishing boat's crew. She then returned to her station, arriving at 10.30. Shortly after the rescue the fishing boat's cable parted and she was wrecked.

For this service the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum have been accorded to Coxswain William Callaiider, and a letter of appreciation was sent to the farmer, Mr. William McEachern. Rewards to the crew, £22 2s.; rewards to the helpers on shore. £l 4s..