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The Sailing Boat Olive

Falmouth, Cornwall.—At 9.30 on the night of the 14th of August, 1955, the police reported that a woman and her two sons, who were on holiday in Falmouth, had put off in the local sailing boat Olive the morning before for a trip in Falmouth Bay, but had not returned. At 9.45 the life-boat Crawford and Constance Conybeare was launched in a choppy sea. There was a light northerly breeze and a flooding tide. The life-boat made a search near St. Mawes and St. Anthony, but at eleven o'clock the police rang up the life-boat station and said that a French fishing vessel had been reported to have seen the Olive, becalmed, earlier in the day. Her position had been about twenty miles east of Land's End.

The fishing vessel had given her crew food and water and a course to Lizard Point. The life-boat made for the area indicated, and at daybreak on the 15th an aircraft joined in the search.

At 10.30 that morning the life-boat found the Olive thirty miles south- east of Lizard Point. She put a man and some food aboard and towed the boat to Falmouth, arriving at 4.30 in the afternoon.—Property Salvage Case..