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The Sailing Boat Genevieve

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 1.20 on the afternoon of the 16th of August, 1955, the Formby coastguard reported that the port radar station had stated that a man was swimming seawards off Alexandra dock. At 1.40 the life-boat Norman B. Cotiett put out. There was a slight sea and a light south-westerly breeze, and the tide was ebbing.

The life-boat searched widely, but found nothing and made for her station again. However, one mile north of Rock lighthouse she came up with the sailing boat Genevieve, which had a crew of three and was in need of help in shallow water. The life- boat made for her station at once with the intention of getting her boarding boat to take the Gcnevievc in tow.

On the way a motor pleasure boat was seen, and the life-boat towed her to a position near the sailing boat. The motor boat then took the Genevieve in tow and transferred her to the life- boat, which took the crew on board and towed the Genevieve to New Brighton, arriving at 3.30.—Rewards to the crew, including the man in the motor boat, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, etc., £2 Is..