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The Converted Ship's Boat Heron

Porthdinllaen, Caernarvonshire.— About 9.10 on the night of the 21st of August, 1955, the life-boat motor mechanic saw flares burning about a quarter of a mile north-east of Porth- dinllaen Point. He told the coast- guard and the life-boat honorary secretary, and at 10.5 the life-boat Charles Henry Ashley was launched.

The sea was choppy, there was a mod- erate south-east wind blowing, and it was two hours before high water. The life-boat found the converted ship's boat Heron, with a crew of two, half a mile north-north-east of Porthdin- llaen. She had broken down and was in danger of being driven on to the rocks north of the life-boat station.

The life-boat took her in tow and reached her station again at eleven o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s..