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The Converted Ship's Boat Caroline

Holy Island, Northumberland. — At 9.42 on the night of the 6th of August, 1955, the coxswain reported that the converted ship's boat Caroline, of Hartlepool, had grounded on Ridge End at the northern entrance to the harbour. At 9.55 the life-boat Gertrude was launched, taking her boarding boat with her. The sea was slight, there was a moderate northerly breeze, and it was an hour and a half before low water. The life-boat found the Caro- line, a boat of 4 tons bound in ballast from Berwick, with a crew of two, but she could not come close to her.

The boarding boat rescued the Caro- line's crew and then transferred them to the life-boat, which reached her station again at 11.30. At two o'clock the next morning the life-boat put off with the owner and his friend to attempt to refloat the Caroline, but the boat was found to have broken up.

The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 3.30.—Rewards to the crew, £14; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 Is..