Porthdinllaen, Caernarvonshire.—At 7.58 on the evening of the 26th of July, 1955, the coxswain was told that a cabin cruiser was close under Porth- dinllaen Point, and that her crew were waving frantically. Twelve minutes later the life-boat Charles Henry Ashley was launched in a rough sea, with a moderate northerly breeze blowing and an ebbing tide. She found the local cabin cruiser Dolphin with seven people on board, who had been on a fishing trip. The Dolphin had run out of petrol and she was near rocks fifty yards north of Porthdin- llaen Point. The life-boat towed her clear and then put a man on board to help haul up her anchor, which was not holding. The life-boat then towed the Dolphin to Porthdinllaen and reached her station again at 8.45. One of the rescued made a gift of money to the life-boat crew.—Rewards to the crew, £5; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s..