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Cromer, Gorleston and Scarborough Memorials

LORD TEMPLEWOOD, president of the Cromer branch of the Institution, un- veiled a tablet in the No. 1 life-boat- house at Cromer on the l()th of August, 1955, and formally opened a shelter in which a tablet is inscribed: "To honour the memory of Coxswain Henry Blogg, G.C., B.E.M., this shelter was erected by public subscription." Lord Templewood said: "Henry Blogg was not only a life-boat hero in Cromer, he was a national figure whose name was known all over the country and all over the British Common- wealth." After saying that the late Coxswain Blogg had rescued or helped to rescue, with his crew, no less than 873 lives, Lord Templewood declared: "He received almost every kind of decoration which anybody could obtain in the Life-boat Service and the climax was when he received what is the V.C. of civil life, the George Cross." The proceedings were broadcast by the B.B.C.

On the llth of September the present coxswain of the Cromer No. 1 life-boat, Henry Davies, unveiled a tablet which has been placed by the Committee of Management in the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Cromer.

GORLESTON A plaque in memory of the late Coxswain William Fleming- was un- veiled in Gorleston by Miss T. A.

Bloomfield, vice-chairman of the Gorleston branch, on the 7th of August.

The plaque was dedicated by the Rev.

E. L. Corbell, of Gorleston, and a tribute to the great record of the late coxswain, who helped to save 110 fewer than 1,183 lives, was paid by Com- mander H. L. Wheeler, district in- spector of life-boats.

SCARBOROUGH The Mayoress of Scarborough, Mrs.

Miles Bird, unveiled a plaque at Scarborough on the 18th of August in memory of Coxswain John Sheader, Second Coxswain John Cammish and Signalman Francis Bayes, who lost their lives when the Scarborough life- boat capsized in December, 1954. The plaque was dedicated by the Vicar of Scarborough, Canon F. E. Ford. The ceremony took place on Scarborough life-boat day..