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Assessment of Rates on Life-Boathouses

AT the report stage and third reading of the Rating and Valuation (Miscel- laneous Provisions) Bill in the House of Lords on the 21st of July, 1955, Earl Howe, Deputy Chairman of the Insti- tution, moved, after clause 7, to insert the following new clause: "No life-boat- house, shed or slipway used solely for the purposes of life-boat services shall in the case of any rating area be liable to be rated for any rate period begin- ning on or after the date of the coming into force of the new valuation list for that area." In moving the amendment, Earl Howe said of the Institution: "After all, we exist to save life at sea of people of all nationalities—not only British seamen or people who find themselves in the sea for one cause or another, but all nationalities. The Royal National Life-boat Institution is an entirely voluntary body, and if it is right to exempt Trinity House I cannot help thinking that it is also right to exempt us." Supporting the amendment, Lord Silkin said: "This particular Institu- tion, I submit, is absolutely vital to the life of the country. ... I suggest that what differentiates it from almost any other charity is that it is vital to the life of the nation. For that reason, I think that it deserves special treat- ment." Speaking on behalf of the Govern- ment, the Earl of Munster said that the Government would advise their Lordships with regret not to accept this amendment. If they did so, they could not, he pointed out, reasonably refrain from embarking upon a judg- ment of the merits of a great number of very worthy organisations which might well consider themselves at least equal in merit in their particular field to the Institution. He said: "In addition to the compulsory re- mission, the Institution may benefit under Clause 8 (4), which will enable any rating authority to reduce further, or to remit entirely, any rates for which they are liable." Of the action likely to be taken by rating authorities he added: "There is at least the hope that, encouraged by the views which have been express- ed in all quarters of this House, and armed now with the clear power which I have mentioned under Clause 8 (4) of the Bill, they will be more generous in future to the Institution." After this explanation had been given the amendment was withdrawn..