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A Rubber Tyre

Cromer, Norfolk.—At 3.47 on the after- noon of the 2nd of September, 1955, the coastguard rang up to say that some people were drifting out to sea on a rubber tyre off Walcott. At 3.55 the No. 1 life-boat Henry Blogg was launched. There was a moderate swell and a fresh westerly breeze, and it was low water. The life-boat made a search and at 5.20 found a man, his wife and his daughter clinging to the tyre two miles south-east of Happis- burgh. They had been adrift for two hours, and the women were exhausted and frig-htened. The life- boat crew rescued them all, treated them for shock, gave them rum, and then took them to Cromer, arriving at 8.40.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £7 15s..