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A Rowing Boat

Ramsgate, Kent.—At 3.40 on the after- noon of the 21st of August, 1955, the piermaster of the East Pier rang up to say that a rowing boat with four men and a woman on board was in difficulties about one and a half miles off shore. Eight minutes later he reported that one of the crew was waving a white shirt. The boat had now drifted to a position off Dumpton Gap, and at 3.54 the life-boat Michael and Lily Davis put out. The sea was slight, there was a light north-easterlybreeze, and it was one hour after high water. The life-boat found that the boat's crew could not make any head- way against the tide, so she took them on board and towed the boat to Ramsgate, arriving at 4.25.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, 14*. Gd..