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A New Superintendent at the Depot

COMMANDER J. M. UPTON, M.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., who has been Super- intendent of the Life-boat Depot since 1941, has retired and has been suc- ceeded by Commander H. L. Wheeler, R.N.

Commander Upton, who was born at Petworth in Sussex, was educated at Churcher's College, Petersfield, and then on board the training ship H.M.S.

Worcester. After completing his training in 1910 he was given a naval reserve appointment and served in sailing ships for three years. Shortly before the outbreak of the first world war he joined the P. and O. Company, with which he served until he was called for duty with the Royal Navy.

For nine years after the war he con- tinued to serve with the P. and O.

Company and then, in 1928, became District Inspector of Life-boats for Ireland. In 1939 he was appointed Eastern District Inspector.

Commander Upton became an ex- tremely well-known figure both in Ireland, where his name is still con- tinually recalled at life-boat stations, and at the Depot in Boreham Wood where he became known to very many honorary workers. His reminiscences, both as district inspector and as Superintendent of the Depot, which he has briefly written for the Life-boat, appear on page 150.

Commander Wheeler, who lives at St.

Ives, Huntingdonshire, was appointed Southern District Inspector of the Insti- tution in 1929. After service with the Royal Navy during the second world war he was appointed Eastern District Inspector in 1945. He continued to hold this post until his appointment as the new Superintendent of the Depot..