A Hundred Years Ago
A new life-boat has been recently stationed at Moelfre, a fishing village, on the north-eastern coast of the island of Anglesey, in lieu of the former life- boat stationed there, which has been removed to replace a worn-out boat at the neighbouring station at Cemlyn.
It was built at the joint expense of the National Life-boat Institution and the Local Association, the former having contributed £50 towards its cost.
The fittings of this boat are of a novel character in several respects. She was designed by Captain Skinner, R.N., the Government Superintendent of packets at Holyhead, at which place she was built. She has some impor- tant advantages, is undoubtedly the best life-boat on the Anglesey coast, and we have no doubt will do credit to her constructors. Her dimensions are. extreme length, 28 feet; breadth, 7 feet; depth, 2 feet 6 inches, with 1 foot 9 inches sheer of gunwale. She is fitted to row either with six oars single banked, or 12 oars double banked.
Her chief peculiarities are: 1st. Her side air-cases, which are detached hollow boxes, are made with strips of ratan cane, covered with canvas on a patented plan of a Mr. Davis, of Southampton. 2nd. She is fitted with a series of hollowed wooden floor- tanks, which supply the place of a deck, and which may be filled, if thought advantageous, with sand or other material as extra ballast. Her 3rd peculiarity, is the manner in which her relieving tubes are fitted with plugs, which are of a simple, inexpen- sive, and durable character; they are not self-acting-, but they can be with- drawn instantly by the crew without removing from their seats, on shipping a sea, and they arc perfectly water- tight, which we suspect that no self- acting valve can be made to be. She is not built to self-right. Her ballast consists of an iron keel band of f cwt, and the wooden floor-tanks, which when empty, weigh 2f- cwt. Her total weight, including fitting and gear, is 23| cwt. only. She is thought very highly of by her crew..