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The Motor Boats William III, Moonbeam, Endeavour and Enfilade

Newhaven, Sussex.—On the 6th of May, 1955, the motor boats William III, Moonbeam, Endeavour and En- filade put out from Dover to take a salvage party to the S.S. Germania, of Piraeus, which had run ashore to the east of Beachy Head on the 2Gth of April, and to help unload her cargo.

Bad weather overtook them, and at 4.42 in the afternoon the New- haven coastguard telephoned that the If 'illiam HI. which had a crew of two, was making for Newhaveii laden with cargo. She was sighted an hour later, and at six o'clock the life-boat C.D.E.C., on temporary duty at the station, put out in a rough sea. with a south-westerly gale blowing and an ebbing tide. She guided the William III to a safer position off the harbour and waited with her for an hour until the tide rose. She then escorted her into the harbour, arriving at eight o'clock.—Rewards to the Ncwliaven crew, £5 10s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 8*..