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Ross Corr

Valentia, Co. Kerry.—At 1.10 early on the morning of the 8th of June, 1955, a man at Portmagee telephoned that the trawler Ross Corr, of Dublin, had been due at Portmagee at eight o'clock the night before, but had not arrived.

Efforts to get into contact with her by wireless had failed, and anxiety was felt for the safety of her crew of five. At 1.30 the life-boat A.E.I).

put out. There was a rough sea, a strong north-easterly breeze was blow- ing, and it was low tide. The life- boat searched widely and at seven o'clock found the trawler drifting eight miles south-west of Bull Rock. Her propeller was fouled, and her fishing gear could not be hauled on board.

Members of the life-boat crew passed a line to her, then hauled the gear on board and helped the trawlermen to clear their propeller. The Rons Corr then went on her way. The life-boat landed the gear at Portmagee and returned to her station, arriving at 1.15.—Rewards to the crew, £20 5s.; reward to the helper on shore, £1 Is..