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Galway Bay.—At 11.45 on the morning of the 10th of May, 1955, the doctor at Inishmore telephoned that a man there was in urgent need of hospital treat- ment at Galway and asked if the life- boat would take him to the mainland.

No other boat was available, and at 12.30 the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson put out. The sea was mod- erate, a northerly breeze was blowing, and it was low water. The life-boat took the sick man to Rossaveal, where an am- bulance was waiting, and then returned to her station, arriving at 4.45.—Re- wards to the crew, £9 9s.; reward to the helpers on shore, 9,y. 6d.—Refunded to the Institution by the Galway County Council..