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Life-Boat Christmas Card and Calendar

THE Institution will again have a Christmas card and a pocket calen- dar.

The card will be a reproduction in colour of the picture below. It is a photograph of the Whitby No. 1 life- boat leaving harbour on the 15th of April, 195J-, to the rescue of the fishing- boat Foxglove, which had been hitand severely damaged by a heavy sea near the harbour entrance.

The card will be of four pages, with the Institution's crest on page one.

greetings on page two and the picture on page three.

The price of the card, with the envelope, will be 9cL Name and address can be printed in, if not fewer than twenty-five are ordered, at an added cost of 10s. for 25 and under 50, 12,9. 6d. for 50 and under 75, las. for 75 up to 100.

The pocket calendar will have on the front a reproduction of a photograph taken at the naming ceremony of the new life-boat for Southend-on-Sea, Greater London II (Civil Service No. 30) which was named by H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent this year. It can be obtained in dozens. The price is 2s.

for the first dozen and Is. Gd. for each additional dozen.

There will also be a hanging calen- dar, with a picture in colour, a repro- duction of a photograph of the new Stronsay life-boat The John Gellatly Hyndman. Owing to the high pur- chase tax which would have to be paid on all calendars printed if any were sold, there will be none for sale..