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Awards to Coxswains and Members of Life-Boat Crews

To JOHN MATTHEWS, on his retirement, after serving for 30 years as coxswain and 2| years as bowman of the Moelfre life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service, a gratuity and a retirement allowance.

To WILLIAM II. PARK, on his retirement, after serving for 19J years as coxswain of the Blackpool life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service, a gratuity and a retirement allowance.

To WILLIAM B. SAYLE, on his retirement, after serving for 17£ years as coxswain and 11 years as second coxswain of the Peel life- boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To Jonx R. NICHOLSON", M.B.E., on his retirement, after serving for 1C years as cox- swain and 10j years as second coxswain of the New Brighton life-boat and a member of the ert-ws of the Hoylake and New Brighton life-boats between 1911-1921, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To JlABTiN" GARDNER, on his retirement, after serving for 15J years as coxswain and 4f years as bowman of the Anstruther life- boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To WILLIAM GARNER, on his retirement, after serving for 8 years as coxswain of The Mumbles life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and a gratuity.

To EDWARD Li.. JONES, on his retirement, after serving for 7 years as coxswain and 16 years as bowman of the Barmouth life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and anannuity.

To THOMAS HALL, on his retirement, after serving for uj years as coxswain, 3|- years as second coxswain and 6J years as bowman of the Amble life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service and an annuity.

To the late HUGH NELSON", B.E.M., who for 5 - vears was coxswain and 20 years second coxswain of the Donaghadcc life-boat, his coxswain's certificate of service to his sons.

To JAMES R. PAGE, on his retirement, after serving for 4J years as coxswain, 4 years as second coxswain and 10J years as bowman of the Seaham life-boat, a coxswain's certifi- cate of service and an annuity.

To BERTIE H. BEAVERS, on his retirement, after serving for 4J years as coxswain, 3 years as second coxswain and 4 years as a member of the crew of the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston life-boat, a certificate of ser- vice and a gratuity.

To ALBERT C. POTTER, on his retirement, after serving for 3J years as coxswain, 2 years as assistant motor mechanic and 29 years as a member of the crew of the Clacton- on-Sea life-boat, a certificate of service.

To ANTHONY WEADICK, on his retirement, after serving for 2J years as coxswain and 8J years as second coxswain of the Arklow life-boat, a coxswain's certificate of service.

To WILLIAM G. GREEN, on his retirement, after serving for 1 year as coxswain and 5J years as second coxswain of the Aldeburgh No. 1 life-boat and 2J years as bowman and 19 years as a member of the crew of the Aide- burgh No. 2 life-boat, a certificate of service.

To PETER R. MCLEAN, on his retirement, after serving for 17 years as second coxswain of the Peterhead life-boat, a certificate of service.

To WILLIAM J. BAILEY, on his retirement, after serving for 9J years as second coxswain and 3 years as bowman of the Walmer life- boat and 10 years as a member of the crew of the Kingsdown life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To STANLEY WINTER, on his retirement, after serving for 8| years as second coxswain, 2 years as bowman and 4 years as a member of the crew of the Newhaven life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To JOSEPH POLKINGHORN, on his retire- ment, after serving for 8-| years as second coxswain and 24 years as a member of the crew of the Southcnd-on-Sea life-boat, a certificate of service and a gratuity.

To EDWARD J. PARKER, on his retirement, after serving for 7J years as second coxswain, 6 years as bowman and 9 years as a member of the crew of the Margate life-boat, a cer- tificate of service.

To JOHN PAYNTER, on his retirement, after serving for 6 years as second coxswain, 2J years as bowman and over 2 years as a member of the crew of the St. Ivcs life-boat, a certificate of service and a gratuity.

To PERCY SHACKSON, on his retirement, after serving for 3 years as second coxswain, 16 years as bowman and 9 years as a member of the crew of the Clovelly life-boat, a cer- tificate of service.

To ALFRED F. NOBLE, on his retirement, after serving for 2J years as second coxswain and 17 years as a member of the crew of the Whit by No. 2 life-boat, a certificate of service.

To ARCHIBALD Y. SMITH, on his retirement, after serving for If years as second coxswain, 3J years as bowman and IS years as a mem- ber of the crew of the Arbroath life-boat, a certificate of service.

To WILLIAM GILLIE, on his retirement, after serving for 19J years as bowman and 20 years as a member of the crew of the Eyemouth life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To WILLIAM J. W ATKINS, on his retirement, after serving for llj years as bowman and llf years as a member of the crew of the St.

David's life-boat, a certificate of service.

To WILLIAM MAJOR, on his retirement, after serving for 8J years as bowman and OJ years as a member of the crew of the Humber life-boat, a certificate of service.

To PATRICK SIIARKEY, on his retirement, after serving for 23 years as motor mechanic of the Clogher Head life-boat, a certificate of service, a gratuity and a retirement allowance.

To DAVID J. WEBB, on his retirement, after serving for 21} years as motor mechanic and 13 years as a member of the crew of the Weston-super-Mare life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

Toft. V. LINDER, on his retirement, after scrvin xfor 20J years as motor mechanic of the Cromer No. 2 life-boat, a certificate of service.

To JAMES C. CLUGSTON, on his retirement, after serving for 18J years as motor mechanic and 20 years as a member of the crew of the Port St. Mary life-boat, a certificate of service.

To JOHN HOOPER, on his retirement, after serving for 10J years as motor-mechanic of the Appledore life-boat, a certificate of service.

To DENIS DALY, on his retirement, after serving for 2 years as a reserve mechanic of the Institution and 8 years as motor mechanic of the Courtmacsherry Harbour life-boat, a certificate of service and a gratuity.

To BERNARD QUIRKE, on his retirement, after serving for 3J years as motor mechanic, C years as assistant motor mechanic and 9J years as a member of the crew of the Kilmore life-boat, a certificate of service.

To ROBERT KIRBY, on his retirement, after serving for 24 years as assistant motor me- chanic and 5 years as a member of the crew of the Seaham life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To ALEXANDER McGowAN, on his retire- ment, after serving for 11J years as assistant motor mechanic and 3J years as a member of the crew of the Arklow life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To DAVID MACKAY, on his retirement, after serving for 10J years as assistant motor me- chanic of the Wick life-boat, a certificate of service and an annuity.

To RALPH W. HALL, on his retirement, after serving for 7£ years as assistant motor mechanic and 7 years as a member of the crew of the Amble life-boat, a certificate of service and a gratuity.

To JOHN MclNTYRE, on his retirement, after serving for 3 years as assistant motor mechanic and 7 years as a member of the crew of the Campbcltown life-boat, a certifi- cate of service.

To WILLIAM T. HOLMAN, on his retirement, after serving for 38 years as a member of the crew of the Exmouth life-boat, 14 years as head launcher and 19 years as a shore- helper, a certificate of service.

To WILLIAM L. JONES, on his retirement, after serving for 37 years as a member of the crew of the Llandudno life-boat, a certificate of service.

To ROBERT SWAN, on his retirement, after serving for 34 years as a member of the crew of the North Sunderland life-boat, a certifi- cate of service.

To GEORGE ROBSON, on his retirement, after serving for 33 years as a member of the crew of the North Sunderland life-boat, a certifi- cate of service.

To HARRY TAYLOR, on his retirement, after serving for 13 years as a member of the crew and previously 9 years as second coxswain of the Dover life-boat, a certificate of service.

To JAMES LANG, on his retirement, after ser- ving for 10 years as a member of the crew of the Campbeltown life-boat, a certificate of service.

To ARCHIBALD MC!VAY, on his retirement, after serving for 16 years as a member of the crew of the Campbeltown life-boat, a certifi- cate of service.

To WILLIAM LAWRENCE ALLEN, on his retirement, after serving for 12 years as a member of the crew of the Barrow life-boat, a certificate of service..