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Adventure, George and Margaret and Louisa Twyzell

Blyth, and Newbiggin, Northumber- land.—At 7.32 on the morning of the 10th of May, 1955, the coastguard telephoned the Blyth life-boat station to say a man at Cambois had reported that a fishing coble appeared to be in difficulties in Cambois Bay. At 7.45 the life-boat Winston Churchill, Civil Service No. 8 was launched with a scratch crew. The sea was rough, there was a strong north-easterly breeze, and the tide was ebbing. The coastguard informed the Newbiggin life-boat station, and at 9.44 the life- boat Richard Ashley was launched.

The Blyth life-boat found the fishing coble Adventure, of Newbiggin, with a crew of two, making heavy weather four miles south-east of Coquet Island.

She escorted her to Newbiggin and then returned to her station, arriving at 12.45. The Newbiggin life-boat found the Newbiggin fishing cobbles George and Margaret, Louisa Twyzell and another coble to the south-east of Newbiggin. She too escorted them to the shore and reached her station again at 12.45. Blyth—rewards to the crew, £7 15s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2; Newbiggin—re- wards to the crew, £6 18s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 12s..