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Therese Emile Yuon

Howth, Co. Dublin.—At 5.40 on the afternoon of the 23rd of February, 1955, the trawler Therese Emile Yuon, of Concarneau, France, whose engine had broken down, was seen to break adrift from a Howth fishing boat, which was towing her towards the harbour.

The trawler was soon blown on to a sandbank about half a mile north-west of the harbour, and at 6.15, at low water, the life-boat R.P.L. was launched. The sea was very rough, there was a fresh easterly breeze, and it was snowing. The life-boat tried to refloat the trawler, but failed. She then went alongside, rescued the crew of seven and arrived back at her station at ten o'clock. The trawler became a total wreck.—Rewards, £13 4s..