The War Record Year By Year. The 3rd of September, 1939, to the 8th of May, 1945
Year 1939 Launches of Life-boats to ships in distress on account of the War Total launches "f Life-boats Lives Rescued by Life-boats Lives Rescued by Shore-boats r • Medals „ ive% , awarded to *X$ *«!•*", Rescue-bo , Ll ' (from 3rd Sept.) 200 419 1,001 140 | — 40 1940 640 1,081 2,056+ 289 — 48 1941 481 747 1,317 128 ~ 37 1942 244 443 596 231 3 38 1943 249 411 469 160 11 32 1944 280 455 714 196 21 9 1945 (to 8th 1 May) 118 204 223 24 7 ' — Totals 2,212 3,760 6,376 1,168 42 204 * The first of the Auxiliary Rescue-boat Stations was opened in August, 1941.
t la addition 2 silver and 11 bronze medals were won by shore-boat rescuers in 1941 and 3 bronze medals in 1943.
J The figure of lives rescued does not include the 3,400 men brought off the beaches of Dunkirk bv the Ramsgate and Margate life-boats in 1910..