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The S.S. Monviso

Dover, Kent. — About 4.45 on the morning of the 21st of February, 1955, the harbourmaster reported that a vessel had stranded on the rocks east of St. Margaret's Bay. At 5.15 the life- boat Southern Africa put out. The sea was rough, a strong easterly breeze was blowing, and it was low water. The life-boat found the S.S. Monviso, of Genoa, aground in very shallow water east of Hope Point. With difficulty the second coxswain boarded her to help make tugs fast to her. The life-boat passed a rope from a tug to the steamer, but it parted. The life-boat then passed wire hawsers to her from two other tugs, which refloated the Monviso a little later. The second coxswain re- mained aboard while the tugs, with the life-boat standing by, towed her to Dover, where they arrived at 12.50.— Property Salvage Case..