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The S.S. Cuban

Troon, Ayrshire.—At four o'clock on the morning of the 16th of January, 1955, the Kildonan coastguard tele- phoned that he had seen a red flare east of Kildonan. At 5.40 the life- boat Sir David Richmond of Glasgow put out. The sea was moderate, there was a light north-easterly breeze, and it was high water. The life-boat found the S.S. Cuban, of Glasgow, a small coaster with a crew of two, high and dry on the rocks on Lady Isle.

The men said they would remain in her until the afternoon in case the ship could be refloated. As they were in no immediate danger, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 9.45. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the life-boat put to sea again and found that the S.S. Boer, another small coaster, was standing by the Cuban.

The life-boat passed a tow rope to the Cuban from the Boer, and the Boer tried to pull her clear. The Cuban remained fast on the rocks, so the life-boat took off her crew and landed them at Troon, reaching her station again at 5.50.—Rewards, £21,.