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Saint Kentigern

Douglas, Isle of Man.—At 7.10 on the morning of the 16th of January, 1955, the Ramsey coastguard reported that the motor vessel Saint Kentigern, of Glasgow, had sent a distress message.

He later gave her position as five miles south-east-by-south of Maughold Head. The ship was in danger of going aground on the Bahama Bank, and at 8.20 the life-boat Millie Walton was launched in an ebbing tide. The sea was very rough, a gale was blowing from the north-north-east, and it was snowing heavily. The life-boat found the Saint Kentigern broken down and in tow of a steamer eighteen miles south-east-by-east of Douglas Head.

At the request of the skipper of the Saint Kentigern the life-boat escorted both her and the steamer to Douglas Bay. The life-boat reached her station again at 9.30.—Rewards, £40..