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Stromness, Orkneys.—At eight o'clock on the evening of the 17th of January, 1955, news reached the life-boat station that food was short in the Quoyloo district, and that supplies could not be taken overland as the roads were blocked by snow. At 11.15 on the morning of the 18th the life-boat J.J.K.S.W. embarked meat, bread, mail and newspapers and put out. The sea was very rough, a strong north-westerly breeze was blow- ing, and there were snow showers.

The life-boat reached Skaill about 1.30, and two dinghies put off from the shore and ferried the stores ashore.

The life-boat stood by the boats until they had completed their trips and then returned to her station, arriving at three o'clock.—Rewards, £1313*. 6d..