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Stromness, Orkneys.—At five o'clock on the afternoon of the 14th of Jan- uary, 1955, a local doctor asked if the life-boat would take a sick woman in need of hospital treatment to Scapa pier, because the road from Stromness to Kirkwall was blocked by snow.

At 5.45 the life-boat J.J'.K.S.W., with the patient, her husband and the doctor on board, put out in a smooth sea. There was a light north-westerly breeze and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached Scapa two hours later. The woman was taken to a hospital in Kirkwall, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 10.30.—Rewards, £11 18s. 6d. Re- funded to the Institution by the St.

Andrew's and Red Cross Scottish Ambulance Service..