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Memorial Service at Arbroath

A MEMORIAL service, conducted by the Rev. Norman Ncsbit Faid, assisted by Provost J. K. Moir, was held in St. John's Methodist Church, Arbroath, on the 20th of February, 1955, to com- memorate the six members of the crew of the Arbroath life-boat who lost their lives on the 27th of October, 1953.

A memorial stained-glass window, presented to the church by the cox- swain's widow, Mrs. David Bruce, was unveiled. The window, which bears the words "They counted not their lives dear unto them" shows a light- house, a seagull and the flag of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

St. John's Church, Arbroath, is a historic Methodist monument. John Wesley himself opened it in 1772 and preached there several times..