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Dark Antagonist

Beaumarls, Anglesey.—At 9.30 on the morning of the 24th of February, 1955, the marine superintendent of a firm of boat builders reported that the motor torpedo boat Dark Antagonist, under the firm's control, was moored in Friar's Bay with a watchman on board.

He asked if the life-boat would land the man and take out two other men. At 9.45, as no other boat was available, the life-boat N.T., on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a rough sea. There was a strong east-south- east breeze blowing and a blizzard.

The life-boat landed the man at Beau- maris, put the two relief men aboard, and then towed the Dark Antagonist to safer moorings at Menai Bridge. She reached her station again at 5.45. The boat builders expressed their thanks and refunded the expenses to the Insti- tution.—Rewards, £19 19s..