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Charles H. Barrett

Charles H. Barrett, M.B.E., hono- rary secretary and treasurer of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, died on the 26th of August, 1954, at the age of 74. His successor, Mr. C. J.

Quinton, M.B.E., writes: "Since 1938 Charles Barrett had been the honorary secretary of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, assuming j also the duties of honorary treasurer in I 1947. He resigned on grounds of ill- | health in January, 1954. He held office alike through the dark days of the war and in the subsequent period of consolidation in which not only was the income of the Fund greatly in- creased but its constitution adjusted to the larger role which in the light of the increase the Fund became fitted to play. In recognition of his unique services the Council elected Mr. Bar- rett to be an extra member both of their body and of the Executive Com- mitee but, unfortunately, his illness prevented him from assuming these duties. It is fitting to record that in his last year of office contributions from the Civil Service reached the record total of £16,184.

" In 1949 the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution presented Mr.

Barrett with their record of thanks in recognition of his valuable services, and in 1951 His Majesty the King was graciously pleased to appoint him to be a member of the Order of the British Empire.

"The members of the Committee of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund recall with much gratitude his unfailing kindliness and his devotion to the cause which he served for so many years.".