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Brigadier R. J. P. Wyatt

BRIGADIER R. J. P. WYATT, M.C., T.D., D.L., J.P., District Organising Secre- tary for the South-East of England from August 1927 to December 1952, died on the 22nd of October, 1954.

Brigadier Wyatt was educated at Winchester and Christ Church, Ox- ford. After serving in the 1914-18 war, during which he was awarded the M.C. and bar and was three times mentioned in dispatches, he joined the Sudan political service, remaining with it until 1925. From 1926 to 1927 he was A.D.C. to Field Marshal Lord Plumer in Palestine.

In 1939 he was appointed to com- mand an infantry brigade of the Terri- torial Army and served until 1944.

Brigadier Wyatt was chairman of the Worthing Magistrates Court, chairman of the Worthing and District Com- missioners of Inland Revenue and Deputy Lieutenant for Sussex. He also held a number of other county and local appointments.

Some measure of the success he achieved in his work as a District Organising Secretary for the Institu- tion is shown by the fact that in 1928 collections in the district amounted to £11,500. When he retired in 1952 the figure was £28,800..