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Why Worry

Cromer, Norfolk.—At 12.30 on the afternoon of the 15th of October, 1954, the coastguard rang up to say that a local crab boat was showing a red flag on an oar two and a half miles east-by-north of the coastguard station.

The Why Worry was overdue and at 12.40, at low water, the No. 1 life-boat Henry Blogg was launched. There was a moderate swell and a strong south- westerly wind. The life-boat found the Why Worry, with a crew of two, three miles east of Cromer. Her engine had broken down, and she had shipped a lot of water. Her fifty crab pots were transferred to the life-boat, which then towed her to Cromer, arriving at 2.30.—Rewards, £13 17*..