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Two New Vice-Presidents

LORD SEMPILL and the Marquess Camden have been elected vice-presidents of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Lord Sempill has served on the Committee of Management of the Institution since 1927 and the Marquess Camden since 1930. Each has been, in turn, vice-chairman of the Boat and Construction Committee, Lord Sempill from 1929 to 1937 and the Marquess Camden from 1949 to 1953.

Lord Sempill, who served his time with Rolls Royce, Derby, in 1910-13, joined the Royal Flying Corps in August, 1914. He has been President of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Institution of Production Engineers, the Institute of the Motor Industry and the British Gliding Association, and is a Vice-President of the London Chamber of Commerce.

The Marquess Camden, who is a Younger Brother of Trinity House, is a Trustee and Vice-Commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron and president or patron of a large number of societies.

particularly in the south-east of England, concerned with yachting, motorcar racing, agriculture, the theatre, sport and various charitable activities.

He is a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kent and a director of a number of companies..