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The S.S. Pass of Glenogle

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 9.20 on the night of the 28th of October, 1954, the coxswain overheard a message from the Humber radio station to the port doctor stating that the S.S. Pass of Glenogle, of London, needed a doctor to attend her captain. She expected to reach Whitby about ten o'clock.

The No. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hep- worth embarked the doctor and put off at 9.40, with the honorary secretary, Mr. E. Thomson, on board. There was a calm sea and a light south-west breeze, and it was low water. Before the life-boat could reach the steamer the captain had died. The life-boat embarked his body and landed it at Whitby at 10.50—Rewards, £9 is..