The S.S. Downshire
Newcastle, Co. Down.—On the 8th of December, 1954, the S.S. Downshire, of Belfast, a collier bound for Dundrum from Garston, ran hard ashore on the sands three quarters of a mile west of Dundrum harbour entrance, but the life-boat was not needed. On the llth she listed heavily and burnt a flare, and at 11.45 at night the Kilkeel coastguard telephoned the life-boat station. At 1.40 early on the 12th the life-boat William and Laura was launched and made for the position in a rough sea and a southerly gale.
The collier's crew of ten were not in immediate danger. The life-boat lay off while the tide ebbed, and the collier regained an even keel. A tug arrived at ten o'clock, and the life-boat stood by while the tug tried to tow the Downshire clear. The life-boat took men from the tug to the collier and later put them aboard the tug again.
When it was clear the Downshirc could not be moved, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at two o'clock in the afternoon.—Rewards, £40 15s.