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The Sandsucker Bowstar

Barry Dock, Glamorganshire.—At 2.15 on the afternoon of the 10th of Novem- ber, 1954, the Nells Point coastguard telephoned that the sandsucker Bow- star, of Cardiff, was burning a flare one and a half miles west of Steep Holme.

At 2.30 the life-boat Rachel and Mary Evans was launched. The sea was rough, and a strong breeze was blowing from the north-west. The life-boat made for the position in a flooding tide and found the Bowstar awash and list- ing. She was in danger of sinking, but her crew of eight refused to aban- don her and the skipper asked the life-boat to escort her to Newport River. The life-boat did so and returned to her station, arriving at eight o'clock.—Rewards, £16 10s..