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Stella Arcturus

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 3.54 on the afternoon of the 8th of December, 1954, the Spurn Point coastguard telephoned that the trawler Stella Arcturus, of Hull, had reported that she had gone ashore on the Binks and needed a tug. At 4.5 the life-boat City of Bradford III was launched.

The sea was rough, and a strong gale was blowing from the south-east.

The life-boat searched widely, but found nothing, and when it was learnt that the trawler was in fact in the river Humber off Sunk Spit buoy, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at nine o'clock. The owners of the trawler expressed their thanks, made a gift to the life-boatmen and made a donation to the funds of the Institution.—Paid Permanent crew.

—Rewards, £8 15,?..